Posted: August 16, 2019 | By: Stacy Croninger
Have you heard of the Aroma Share Club? It’s a product offered each month and this year, it includes a carrier oil, only available in the club, plus one or more essential oils. Even better, a recipe sheet is created with ideas for using the carrier oil and essential oils. You can find previous month’s recipes in the Youngevity Resource Center, under Essential Oils, Essential Oils Recipes.
Back to School
The September Aroma Share Club helps you get ready to go back to school and we’re giving you an advance look at what you’ll receive for products as well as the recipes.
What You’ll Receive
Sesame Seed Carrier Oil
Bay Laurel Essential Oil
Marjoram, Sweet Essential Oil
The following recipes may help with what is suggested in the recipe’s title. Please not the age information for these. For a PDF version of these recipes, check the Youngevity Resource Center in September, once the Club is on sale.
Swollen Lymph Node & Sore Throat Rub
2 oz PET plastic flip top essential oil safe bottle
10 drops Youngevity Bay Laurel Essential Oil
1 oz Youngevity Sesame Seed Carrier Oil
1 oz Youngevity Grapeseed Carrier Oil
In the open bottle add the Grapeseed oil and essential oil. Replace cap tightly, making sure flip top is snapped shut. Shake well 50 times. Open and add Sesame Seed oil to the shoulder of the bottle. Replace cap tightly and shake well again. Apply a small amount in hand and massage with fingers on nodes and throat in a downward motion. May help when being treated for sore throat or lymph node swelling (Lymphedema). – For ages 5 years and older.
Hand Sanitizer Spray
1 oz essential oil safe mister bottle, glass or PET plastic
1 oz pure water
4 drops Youngevity Bay Laurel Essential Oil
2 drops Youngevity Marjoram Sweet Essential Oil
In the open mister bottle add 0.5 oz of water, then add essential oils. Replace cap tightly. Shake well 50 times. Remove cap and add remaining water. Replace cap tightly and shake well again. Shake before spraying. To use, mist on hands, then rub hands together. Also mist on shopping cart handles, and even cash before handling. Those germs are everywhere! – For ages 5 years and older.
First Day of P.E. Muscle Relief Oil
2 oz PET plastic flip top essential oil safe bottle
10 drops Youngevity Marjoram Essential Oil
1 oz Youngevity Sesame Seed Carrier Oil
1 oz Youngevity CM cream
In the open flip top bottle add the Sesame Seed carrier oil and essential oil. Replace lid, making sure flip top is snapped shut. Shake well 50 times. Open bottle and add the CM cream to the shoulder of the bottle. Put lid back on tightly and shake again. Use a popsicle stick or makeup applicator stick for application. Apply to muscles before and after workouts.
Back to School Anti-Anxiety Spritzer (for Kiddos and Parents!)
1 oz. essential oil safe mister bottle, glass or PET plastic
1 oz pure water
4 drops Youngevity Bay Laurel Essential Oil
2 drops Youngevity Bergamot Essential Oil
In the open mister bottle add 0.5 oz of water, then add essential oils. Replace lid, making sure flip top is snapped shut. Shake well 50 times. Remove lid and add remaining water. Put lid back on tightly and shake 50 times. Shake before spraying. To use, mist on parents and kids before getting on the bus or heading off for the day. Help start the day feeling confident, loved, and protected. – For ages 5 years and older.
Anti-bacterial Diffuser Blend
Youngevity Diffuser
8 drops Youngevity Bay Laurel Essential Oil
2 drops Youngevity Marjoram Essential Oil
Add Bay Laurel Essential Oil, then the Marjoram oil to the Youngevity Diffuser. Diffuse for 15 minutes every 2 hours. – For ages 5 years and older.